Book Blog Walkers: Weekly Check-in October 10


#BookBlogWalkers is hosted by Felicia @ The Geeky Bloggers Book Blog

Unfortunately, due to a crazy work schedule this past week, I didn’t get to the gym at all. I did get my walks in and the dogs are really enjoying taking more walks during the day. Hopefully work will settle down and I can get back to my regular fitness routine. I really need to get back to doing some long walks again!!!


Here’s how my week went:  

Oct  4:  helped move my sister – lots of up & down the stairs for a total of 51 floors!!!
Oct  5:  more moving – another 31 flights of stairs – my legs were definitely feeling it!
Oct  6:  rest
Oct  7:  rest

Oct  8:  30 minutes (easy walk w/ dogs)
Oct  9:  30 minutes (easy walk w/ dogs)

Oct 10:  30 minutes (easy walk w/ dogs) 

How did your week go?



  1. Unknown
    October 12, 2014 / 2:18 am

    My job has been stressful lately so it does get in the way of my exercising and blogging. I hope your work settles down for you to have more time for yourself. But you still had a good week! Moving is a good workout (especially with all those stairs!!). Have a great week!

  2. Kathryn T
    October 12, 2014 / 4:05 am

    Well you did okay! Those flights of steps have to count significantly. Hope work settles. I am facing into my new and last school term of teaching. I expect my exercise, reading and blogging will slip quite a bit, but only for the next little while!

  3. Blodeuedd
    October 12, 2014 / 8:31 am

    That is a lot of walking up and down! My least fav thing to do

  4. Debbish
    October 12, 2014 / 2:12 pm

    I'm keen to join in soon. I'm trying to do something about my eating (priority 1) and when I feel I'm on the right track I want to start exercising more (at all!). I recall from a previous time with Weight Watchers, they suggested waiting until week 3 to get keen.