#FitReaders: Weekly Check-in July 10

#FitReaders is hosted by Geeky Bloggers Book Blog  and That’s What I’m Talking About


With the summer heat making it’s presence known, plus it being so rainy
lately, I’ve had to adjust my training schedule a bit. I’ve already
resorted to walking in the mall because of the rain – which I don’t
actually mind because it’s quite and cool – I don’t have to worry about
the heat or getting rained on!!! Oh well…as long as I get my walks in,
I’m happy! Now, if I could just make it to a yoga class or two each
week, I’d be a happy girl and feel that I had a pretty well-balanced
training program. That’s my goal for next week – to attend at least 1
yoga class.


Here’s how my week went:  

Jul  4:  5 miles at the mall (raining), 18,921 steps
Jul  5:  6,310 steps
Jul  6: 
3.02 miles fitness walk (45 min), 20,072 steps 

Jul  7:  45 minutes on treadmill, interval training, 15,465 steps
Jul  8:  2-15 minute fitness walks w/ dog, 12,062 steps

Jul  9:  1 hour indoor walking, 13,842 steps

Jul 10:  1 hour indoor walking, 11,444 steps

Audiobooks listened to this week :

  • Finished Beautiful Ruins by Jess Walter, narrated by Edoardo Ballerini
  • Started & Finished Those Girls by Chevy Stevens, narrated by Jorjeana Marie, Emily Woo Zeller, & Nicol Zanzarella


How did your week go? You can find this week’s link-up here.



  1. Blodeuedd
    July 12, 2015 / 8:31 am

    Here it's beenn rainy and windy a lot, if there was only sun and warmth all the time 😉

    • Kristin
      July 12, 2015 / 12:58 pm

      Yes, if only it was sunny and the perfect walking conditions every day – would that be awesome!!!

  2. Trish @ Between My Lines
    July 13, 2015 / 6:43 pm

    Doing great! I love US malls and how they are big enough to get your walks in there. I use the treadmill in the gym a bit but I prefer going outside to get my walk/run in as they air is just so much nicer. I don't mind getting wet as long as I can get in a hot shower straight away!

  3. Jen Twimom
    July 14, 2015 / 5:00 am

    Sounds like a great goal! Doing Body Flow – which is quazi-yoga – once per week is my goal. Of course, I've been gone for 2 weeks, so when I go this Thursday, it will have been 3 weeks for me!