Review: Absolute Proof by Peter James (audio)

Title: Absolute Proof

Author: Peter James

Narrator: Hugh Bonneville

Published: October 2018, Audible Studios

Length: 16 hours 31 minutes

Source: Audible Studios via Publicist


Investigative reporter
Ross Hunter nearly didn’t answer the phone call that would change his
life – and possibly the world – for ever.

“I’d just like to
assure you I’m not a nutcase, Mr Hunter. My name is Dr Harry F. Cook. I
know this is going to sound strange, but I’ve recently been given
absolute proof of God’s existence – and I’ve been advised there is a
writer, a respected journalist called Ross Hunter, who could help me to
get taken seriously.”

What would it take to prove the existence of God? And what would be the consequences?

false faith of a billionaire evangelist, the life’s work of a famous
atheist, and the credibility of each of the world’s major religions are
all under threat. If Ross Hunter can survive long enough to present the


My thoughts: When I was first approached about this book, I had to really think about it. It isn’t really my cuppa tea, but I was curious…and since it was an audio book, and Hugh Bonneville was narrating it, I decided to give it a go…and I’m so glad I did.

Peter James is still a relatively new author to me – I have only read one of his Roy Grace books, Dead If You Don’t, which is the latest one in the series. And while I do plan on going back and reading the whole series, I haven’t had time yet, so when I was approached about this book, it just made sense to see what it was all about. What immediately struck me is that it made me think of Dan Brown’s The Da Vinci Code – a book I haven’t read in years, and now kind of want to pick up again.

I think what pulled me in to this book and kept me going is that not only is Ross Hunter contacted by someone having absolute proof about the existence of God, but he himself battles his skepticism on this topic throughout. It’s not a straight yes there is a God and here is the proof type of book. It is filled with both extreme religious and atheist groups who want to get this absolute proof that Ross is trying to find, and then there’s the scientific and genetic information and research component that makes up the other spectrum. It really is quite compelling and keeps you engaged and wondering where it is all headed.

On top of that, there’s the personal story of Ross and his relationship with his wife, Imogen, and his dalliance with Sally. This was just as intriguing as the other story line and kept me just as engaged. Ross wasn’t the brightest bulb in the box when it came to making decisions – he kept using the excuse that his wife cheated on him when he was away reporting in Afghanistan as an excuse years later…clearly he has trust issues. But did that justify his actions with Sally? Not that I’m excusing Imogen, but still. 

I really ended up enjoying this book overall and think it might be a book I would reread, or in my case, listen to again. It is complex, thrilling, suspenseful and definitely thought-provoking.

Audio thoughts: I have to say one of the things that drew me to this book was the fact that Hugh Bonneville was narrating it! I absolutely loved him in Downton Abbey and was excited to see how it would be to listen to him narrate a book – and I loved it. Listening to him tell this story, a book that is quite long, was so fun. He did such a great job with the voices and his pacing and intonation were spot on! 
