Month in Review: February 2025

  February has come and gone in the blink of an eye! But for a short month, it sure was productive! I have managed to keep up with my goal of staying somewhat up-to-date with reviews – it’s still early on in the year, but I’m hopeful I can manage this all year long. March is a busy month with tons of new releases and me going away at the…

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Month in Review: January 2025 #readingupdate #favoritereads

  And finally, January is over! Was it not the longest month ever? At least it was a productive one…and I hope moving forward, every month is as productive! I have made a few goals for myself concerning the blog and my reading and so far, so good! Here they are: Keep up with reviews! Keep up-to-date with Goodreads tracking Balance new ARC reading with my own books and some…

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Month in Review: October 2024

  October was another busy month. I’m still trying to figure out how to manage everything with the two new puppies…while they are a lot of fun, they have completely disrupted our normal routine around here! But, we are getting in lots of walks, providing the weather is good, so I am getting in some quality audiobook-time, so there’s that at least! I’m still chipping away at reviews and am…

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Indigenous Reads Stack #bookstack #NativeAmericanHeritageMonth

November is Native American Heritage Month & I have been collecting these books to read this month. I may not get to them all, but at least I have options. ย I also have a few audiobooks not shown but listed below. โฃ     ๐Ÿ ๐™‰๐™š๐™ซ๐™š๐™ง ๐™’๐™๐™ž๐™จ๐™ฉ๐™ก๐™š ๐™–๐™ฉ ๐™‰๐™ž๐™œ๐™๐™ฉ โฃEdited by Shane Hawk and Theodore C. Van Alst Jr. โฃ ๐ŸŒฒ๐™’๐™๐™š๐™ง๐™š ๐™๐™๐™š๐™ฎ ๐™‡๐™–๐™จ๐™ฉ ๐™Ž๐™–๐™ฌ ๐™ƒ๐™š๐™งโฃ by Marcie R. Rendon โฃ…

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Month in Review: September 2024

  September was busy…but good. I managed to get a lot of reading in, lots of audiobooks of course, but my book blanket has taken a back seat. It’s just too hard to work on that with two new puppies who are into everything! Oh well. Maybe I’ll get back to it at some point. I have steadily been working on both getting caught up on reviews and getting my…

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Month in Review: August 2024

  August was a month of adjustments as we brought home 2 new puppies! Welcome chaos!!! It’s been fun but hectic and I have never been so tired in my life! The puppies are super cute but can also be demons…but we love them anyway. Our older dog isn’t quite a fan just yet…hopefully once the puppies are a bit bigger, she will be more amenable to them! Needless to…

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Month in Review: July 2024

  It was a weird July. I managed to get a lot of reading time in, mostly via audiobooks but that’s because I was home a lot. Life is chaotic right now and we are adjusting to a lot of changes. And there are more to come…wait until next month’s update! I am really trying to get caught up with my reviews and my Goodreads reading log. I am trying…

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Month in Review: June 2024

  How is it that half the year is over already? While I have had a decent year of reading, family and life have definitely taken priority and I haven’t been reading as much as I normally do. But I’m totally fine with that. The books will still be there when and if I get back to being the reading machine I once was. I have quite a few reviews…

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Month in Review: May 2024

  I can’t believe it’s already June! Where is this year going? We’ve finally had some consist warm days and I’ve been spending my days outside reading when I can. There is nothing better than sitting on the porch in the afternoon, enjoying the late day sun and winding down with a good book and feeling that sun on your face. Because of life, my reading and getting reviews done…

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Month in Review: April 2024

Another month come and gone…and while the calendar says May, the temperature doesn’t always feel it. I’ve gotten a few outside reading days in, but not many. I have a feeling we are going to go straight to the dog days of summer, not that I don’t love summer temps, but it would be nice to have those nice Spring days. April ended up being a pretty decent month despite…

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Month in Review: February 2024

  Well, here we are again! Even with the extra day, February seemed to go by in a snap…but at least it was a month filled with some great reads and I cannot complain about that! I’m still behind in my reviews as I was out of town a few times, but I’m hoping this month is a little quieter and I can catch up…we’ll see how that plays out.…

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Month in Review: January 2024

  Once again, January felt like both it lasted forever and flew by! While I got off to a great start with reading and was doing pretty good with keeping up with my reviews, a family emergency derailed everything. I’m now playing catch-up, but fortunately everything is ok. This is looking to be another year of really good reads and I am excited to share them all with you. I…

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Month in Review: December 2023

  We made it to the end of another year! I don’t know about you, but it seems like these last few months have just flown by…but that’s ok. I’m ready for the new year to start. I had an ok reading month. I had hoped to get to a few more books, but I still enjoyed the ones I read. Looking ahead, there are some really good books coming…

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Top Debuts of 2023

Thank you to the following publishers for the gifted copies – Soho Press, St. Martin’s Press, Celadon Books, Knopf Publishing Group, Henry Holt Books, Atria Books.ย  โฃ โฃ As I start putting my list of top reads together for 2023, I wanted to highlight some of the amazing debuts I read this year. These are authors that I will for sure be reading again. โฃ โฃ โฃ The books are…

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Month in Review: November 2023

  Hello December! How is it that we are at the end of the year already, that Christmas is weeks away and the new year right behind that? At times this year dragged and then it seemed to fly by, especially these last few months! As publishing tends to slow down in December, I am focusing on this month on reading some books I didn’t get to yet, some books…

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Month in Review: October 2023

  Hello November! October seemed to fly by and I’m not sure how we only have 2 months left in the year. Right now I’m on vacation and am loving life. It’s been quite relaxing and I’m getting lots of reading done. Of course, I’m not getting those reviews written, but they will get done at some point! Publishing tends to slow down as we near the end of the…

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Month in Review: September 2023

  Hello October – it’s my favorite month! But at the same time, how is it that we only have 3 months left in this year?!? Luckily September was a great month and October is shaping up to be another good one. Plus, I go away at the end of the month for 2 weeks and I cannot wait – 2 weeks of vacation on the beach, yes please! The…

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Month in Review: August 2023

  How is it already September? Four months left in the year…and it will go by in a flash, right? It was a good month, busy and filled with lots of great reads! I managed to balance it pretty well with review books, some backlist review books and a few from my own shelf. And of course, I still seem to be leaning heavily on audiobooks to get through the…

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Month in Review: July 2023

Why is it that the summer months seem to go by so fast? I feel like the month just started and yet, here we are at the beginning of August already! July was a great month, reading-wise. I finished up the Will Trent series and am ready for the new book, After That Night, which comes out at the end of the month. I do already have a copy of…

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Month in Review: June 2023

And just like that, half the year has gone by…how is that possible? Summer is finally here, weather-wise and I am loving it!!! I’ve been out paddle boarding in the mornings and then reading outside whenever I have the chance. I also started working one or two days a week at the cutest independent bookstore on the north fork of Long Island, called A Book Place, located in Riverhead. I…

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Month in Review: May 2023

  How is it June? May seemed to fly by! Fortunately, the weather has turned warm enough that I’ve had some quality outdoor reading days and I just love that. I had a pretty good reading month – lots of fantastic books, some that were quite large in length but that never deters me as long as I am invested in the story. I also participated in a review-a-thon, which…

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Month in Review: April 2023

Whew…what a busy month April turned out to be, which unfortunately affected my reading. But I’m not really complaining because I still ended up reading quite a bit and read some really great books! Plus, I did have a lot of good stuff going on – some family things and I went to a new crime festival that turned out to be so much fun! There is nothing like hanging…

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Month in Review: March 2023

  Usually, I feel that March is a long month, but somehow this year it flew by! I guess because I had a lot going on? I don’t know. I do know that I read some really good books and participated in a bunch of different book club meetings and online buddy reads. I just love reading and discussing books with others. Now I’m just hoping April brings the warm…

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Month in Review: February 2023

Well, the shortest month has come and gone and yet I somehow managed to read more books that I did in January! Not sure how that happened, but it did – probably because I really am leaning into audiobooks right now. That is what I do when I’m crocheting. And speaking of crocheting…I am almost caught up with my book blanket. I got January done – all 24 rows and…

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Month in Review: January 2023

  Does anyone else feel that January both lasted forever and flew by? I can’t believe the first month of the new year has already come and gone…at least it was filled with some great reads! This year while I will still be reading new books and review copies, I am also trying to focus more on the books I already own. I’m participating in a year-long challenge over on…

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Month in Review: December 2022

I cannot believe 2022 is over! December both flew by and dragged at times. It was a busy month and so my reading definitely slowed down, but I was more than okay with that…the books I did read managed to be some incredible reads and I ended up reading 4 of my favorite reads of the year this month! I’ll be sharing more about this in my newsletter which will…

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Month in Review: November 2022

  Hello December! How is it that we are just weeks away from the new year? Time really needs to slow down! My main goal for November was to read a bunch of Nonfiction reads as well as a slew of NordicNoir books. I did pretty well with the Nonfiction books, managing to read 4 of the 5 that I had preselected, and I did get in a bunch of…

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Month in Review: October 2022

Hello November! Maybe it’s because I was away for a bit in October but boy did this past month fly by! I always feel like the last part of the year tends to do so and it clearly is living up to that. My main goal for October was to read spooky reads and not get so bogged down in all the review books and I think I did a…

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Month in Review: September 2022

Is it just me or did September fly by? I swear I feel like I was just putting August’s wrap-up together and here we are doing September’s. This time of year always seems to go by so fast. My main goal for September was to balance what I read and I was definitely successful in that. I read more of my own books and a bunch of backlist books and…

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Month in Review: August 2022

Where did August go? I don’t know about you, but I feel like as we get further into the year, the months seem to go faster. As has been the case the last few months, audiobooks continue to be my main way to consume books – I just seem to gravitate towards them more and more – not that there is anything wrong with that. I love listening to them…

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Month in Review: July 2022

Well July sure seemed to fly by! Even with me being home most of the month due to my surgery, I still don’t know where the time went. I did manage to read, and listen, to quite a lot – though I’m not sure how my tbr is still overflowing! I do have some exciting news – I’m now an affliate with This is an opportunity to support independent…

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Month in Review: June 2022

Another month come and gone. I had an amazing month of reading and that was partly due to the fact that I was home a lot and I had lots of outdoor reading time – my favorite! I expect this upcoming month to be much the same as I am having surgery midmonth, so as I try not to get sick before the surgery and then I recover from said…

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Month in Review: May 2022

I don’t know about you, but May seemed to fly by! It was a busy month and while I still managed to read quite a bit, it wasn’t quite a bit, it was a little shy of what I normally read…but I’m ok with that. There were a ton of really good new books out and I’m really looking forward to the next few months of outdoor reading, where I…

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Month in Review: April 2022

How is it that April has come and gone already? I had such great plans for catching up with reviews and glancing below, you can see that that did not happen. Oh well…one of these days I’ll get the reviews written. I just have so many books to read and sitting down to write the rewiews does’t always sound as appealing as writing the review. May is looking to be…

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Month in Review: March 2022

  March was a crazy month…so many great books came out and I was busy with lots of book club reads and buddy reads. I am really enjoying all the discussions that come from these group reads and while I would probably have read most of these books, some were ones I might not have picked up. And as you can see, this month I definitely gravitated towards audiobooks…I love…

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Month in Review: February 2022

  How is it that January always seems to feel like it lasts forever yet February goes by in the blink of an eye? Somehow I still managed to read an awful lot of books, so I cannot complain! It was a good month for buddy reads and book club discussions. I seem to have joined a few more online book clubs this month and I have no regrets! Reading…

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Month in Review: January 2022

  Well, we made it through the first month of the new year! Reading-wise, there have been some amazing books published already this year and it looks like there are a whole lot more to comeโ€ฆwhich is good. I have a few reading goals this year that I’m hoping to stick with…we’ll see how that goes. #1: Continue to mix in current and old books – I have a rather…

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First Book of the Year 2022

Each year, Sheila over atย Book Journey makes a big deal over what the first book sheโ€™ll read will be for the new year and once again sheโ€™s asked us to join her. I have joined in for the last 7 years and itโ€™s always a lot of fun seeing what book everyone selects. Be sure to stop by Sheilaโ€™s post to see the collage she makes of everyone participating! For…

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Month in Review: November 2021

Hard to believe it’s already December! This year has flown by…and while there are still plenty of books left on my tbr from November, I still did read quite a bit. I participated in both #NordicNoirNovember and #NonfictionNovember and got in some good ones in both genres. The big news this month is that I started a newsletter for the blog!!! I do hope you will sign-up if you haven’t…

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Month in Review: October 2021

How is it already November??? I am having such a hard time wrapping my head around the fact that we have two months left in this year…and I still have so many books left that I was hoping to read. October proved to be full of good books, lots of great buddy reads and book club chats and I just know that November will bring more of the same. I…

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Month in Review: September 2021

Is it just me or did September fly by? It was definitely a busier month for me, and so while I still had a good reading month, I didn’t get in quite as many books as I have been…but I still managed to read some really good ones! And now we are heading into my favorite season – FALL!!! I love the cool, crisp air and snuggling up with a…

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Feature: Literati Book Club

A few months ago, I decided to join @Literati, an online book club that is unlike anything I’ve been part of before. Quite a few of my bookstagram friends were already part of this and I knew how much they enjoyed it, so I finally took the plunge and I’m so glad I did. This unique book club offers 13 different clubs that you get to choose from and the…

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Month in Review: August 2021

  And here are we in September…this year really is flying by! I had another great month of reading, this time reading quite a few of my own books and some backlist review books, too! It looks like this month coming up is amped up with great releases and I’m looking forward to quite a lot of them…I just need time to slow down so I can fit them all…

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Month in Review: July 2021

  How is it that we are already in August? This year is flying by! It was another month of amazing reads and yet, with as much as I read, my tbr remains overflowing? I don’t understand how that works? I guess it’s a good thing that I have more to read than I can get to, right? I’ve been participating in some amazing buddy reads and book club discussions…

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Month in Review: June 2021

  How is it that they year is halfway over? It’s crazy to think that six months have gone by already. At least it’s been filled with some amazing reads, right? This was another good month. I am shocked at how many books continue to come out each Tuesday…so much so that I am having a hard time keeping up – but there are worse problems to have, right? At…

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Month in Review: May 2021

Here we are again with another monthly wrap-up! It was a great month…it seemed a bit long, but I had a great month of reading, though most of the books were review books. I am shocked at all the great books that continue to be published, though that does make it hard to make time for my own books. I need to get better at balancing that…but hopefully this coming…

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